皮皮冒险记Adventures of Pip

Tic Toc Games


图片[1]-SWITCH《皮皮冒险记》NSP 补档中-好玩客


Play as the ultimate digital underdog in the Adventures of Pip,an action-platformer with a fresh gameplay twist inside a retro 32-bit world. Alas, Pip is an unlikely 1-pixel hero yet has the unique ability to absorb the pixels of his defeated enemies to evolve into three different forms. Players will skillfully switch between these three forms while exploring five worlds on an epic 10-hour campaign to defeat the Skeleton Queen. Adventures of Pip features a soundtrack by Jake “virt” Kaufman, composer for Shantae and the Pirates Curse, Bloodrayne: Betrayal, Shovel Knight, and more. The game will be available in June 2015 on Steam (PC/MAC), Nintendo WiiU, and coming soon to Xbox One, and PS4.


欢迎来到经典横向卷轴动作平台游戏的下一次进化!与皮普一起踏上旅程,从邪恶的德蕾齐亚女王手中拯救艾德琳公主。当 Pip 了解到他可以从倒下的敌人身上吸收比特流以在三种不同的形式之间进化和转移时,Pip 的任务就开始了——单像素、8 位和 16 位!每次转换都提供了不同的力量,Pip 可以使用这些力量来解决环境谜题并击穿敌人。Pip 的故事通过长达 10 小时的史诗冒险游戏带领玩家穿越五个不同的风格化世界。

受经典平台游戏的启发,《皮普历险记》沉浸在一个玩家可以以 8 位角色甚至单像素角色击败 32 位巨大 Boss 的世界中。皮普的敌人有弱点和强项——找出这些,换成正确的形式,把它们干掉!你能帮助我们不太可能无所畏惧的英雄从 DeRezzia 女王的魔掌中拯救他的 32 位世界吗?

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